Information - Vertical Reflex Therapy (VRT)
What is VRT? Vertical Reflex Therapy is a remarkable reflexology discovery where the dorsal hand or foot reflexes are briefly treated while weight-bearing. Lynne Booth's best selling book, Vertical Reflexology and also Vertical Reflexology for Hands are available from bookshops and Booth VRT direct. They have been translated into Dutch, Russian, Japanese, Czech and Portugese for Brazil. Why is VRT so effective? Anatomically, the nerves in the hands and feet remain desensitised when passive or reclining and those same nerves become sensitised when the feet are standing or the hands are pressed down on a flat surface. The general premise of reflexology is that the reflexes in the hands and feet can be triggered to send a message to a specific organ or gland in the body which will help to trigger a healing response. When a reflexologist stimulates the feet, an energetic response must be carried through the body to a particular target. It appears obvious that, in the reflexology concept, the response is transmitted in some way by the nerves and, if this is the case, then there is a possibility that the sensitised weight-bearing reflexes may enhance the response of the stimulated reflex. What are the benefits of VRT?The therapeutic response from VRT is often quicker, especially with orthopaedic problems. Advanced VRT techniques can often help intransigent conditions. VRT can also be used as a brief first-aid treatment or as part of a comprehensive 25 minute treatment for hospices, the workplace, schools, sports centres, etc. How does it fit into a reflexologist's conventional practice?Simply reduce your classical treatment to allow time to apply VRT for up to 5 minutes at the beginning and/or end of treatments. VRT complements all forms of reflexology and enhances, rather than replaces, your other techniques and skills. We also offer one day courses on VRT and the Endocrine system where neural pathway reflexes are worked, Advanced VRT techniques and VRT Hand and Nail-working courses. Are the courses accredited and how will I find a VRT practitioner?Over 6000 reflexologists have attended authorised VRT courses in the UK and internationally. The courses are accredited by the Complementary Therapists’ Association (CThA), 5 CPD points per day and the Association of Reflexologists (AoR), 12 CPD points per day. Certificates of Attendance are issued. Who runs VRT courses and where are they held?Booth VRT authorised tutors run one day courses which are held regularly in many areas in the UK and overseas. We are also invited by reflexology schools and colleges, international reflexology federations, local support groups and national training bodies to run in-house courses. Please consult us for details. Is there research to back up your claims?In 1997 a small medically approved VRT study on geriatric pain and mobility problems resulted in a 60% maintained improvement in 7 weeks. A survey of reflexology/VRT in the workplace in 2002 resulted in an 80+% recorded improvement when daily self-help VRT on the hands was implemented. Other research includes two studies on Anxiety and and on Pain What is VRT Nail-working?The systems of the body are mapped out on the nails. By finely working nail-on-nail on the feet and hands, deeper reflexes on the plantar and dorsum can be stimulated and powerful results can be achieved by connecting nail and dorsal reflexes. |